God's Roadmap

Now may the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father God, who loved us and in his wonderful grace gave us eternal comfort and a beautiful hope that cannot fail, encourage your hearts and inspire you with strength to always do and speak what is good and beautiful in his eyes (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 TPT).

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Spirit of Thankfulness

Thanksgiving Day has come and passed by for another year. The leftovers are gone (except on the waistline!) and now the Christmas decorations come out. Shopping has started with a frenzy and the tug of war to get the best deal has begun.

In the midst of all this chaos, I encourage you to take time to continue to be thankful.  Being grateful is not just for a special day, but it should be a frame of mind we live with always. It only takes a few minutes to stop and think about all the things we have that are sometimes taken for granted.

 We don’t consciously think every time we take a breath, but if you can’t breathe freely you would appreciate every one. What about a home to live in, warmth when it’s cold, food when you are hungry, being able to walk, talk, and see? It’s easy to forget how blessed we are because we have so much in this country. America may have some problems, but it is still the best place on earth to be right now. Even the poorest of our citizens have more than most of the rest of the world.

Remember those who paved the way for our country to be what it is today. Pilgrims braved a journey to an unknown world so they could thank and worship God. Revolutionaries and patriots fought, sacrificed, and died so we could keep it.

Have fun when you are out shopping this Christmas season, but don’t forget that curve of ungratefulness can come upon you unexpectedly. It’s easy to navigate. Just stop and say “thanks”.





Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We All Say "Thanks"

Patriot Guard Riders
Last weekend we were honored to be in the presence of a group of American veterans. Candler Field in Williamson, Georgia hosted a ceremony to give these special people our thanks and praise for the sacrifices made to keep us free.

We heard stories of heroism, memorials to those gone before us, and songs of America. Several times God was mentioned and thanked for His blessings and protection to this nation. We even had a prayer—and the absence of objections spoke volumes.

Flag folding ceremony
Maybe that’s because the honored vets and their families and friends realize what this nation was founded on. It’s what they fought for. It’s what some died for. It’s what all came home for.

I’m thankful we still have places where we can mention God, thank Him, and pray in the name of Jesus without repercussion or liberal bleeding hearts crying about being offended. It’s because of our veterans that we can.

Thanks to all of you who have served our country.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall Harvest

Recently we made a weekend bike trip to Maggie Valley, NC with some friends. The weather was perfect, even unseasonably warm for late October. No matter how many autumns I have seen, each one has its own distinctive way of changing colors. The yellows, reds, oranges, and purples are a reminder each year of the creative palette of our awesome God. It's amazing how much He gives us to enjoy.He didn't have to create different trees, plants, or food for us, but He did because He wants us to have every aspect of His goodness.

We stayed at Lake Junaluska, a beautiful conference center in Waynesville. Above the lake sits a large cross that is lighted at night. Behind the cross the bright full moon was shining over the water. But in the picture, as you can see, the cross looks as if it is suspended in the air in front of the moon.

As we traveled back toward home, we passed a large field full of ripe cotton bolls. As far as the eye could see, it was solid white. It reminded me of the verse when Jesus was telling his disciples, “look at the fields for they are already white for harvest” (John 4:35). It made me more aware of the importance of bringing that harvest in and what my part is in that labor. Because we have received so much from our Lord, the best thing we can do for others is share that abundance with them.

Fall harvest is upon us in more ways than one. The cotton fields, apples, pumpkins, cabbages and all other fall vegetables are ready to harvest—but so is the world.

The cross shining over the water reminds me of His love and sacrifice, and the white cotton fields are people waiting to receive it.

Let's bring in the harvest.