God's Roadmap

Now may the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father God, who loved us and in his wonderful grace gave us eternal comfort and a beautiful hope that cannot fail, encourage your hearts and inspire you with strength to always do and speak what is good and beautiful in his eyes (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 TPT).

Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Manger and the Mercy Seat

by Barbara Latta

The Manger and the Mercy Seat - The Heartbeat of Christmas Part 3

Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? (Hebrews 9: 12-14).

Hay crunched in the donkey’s mouth as she partook of the offering in the manger. A young
The manger brings us the mercy seat.
kid pushed his way into the feeding area and began to share the meal. Moans were coming from the woman lying nearby, but the animals continued their feast. A cry echoed throughout the stable and the four-legged creatures turned to see what disturbed their munching.

Fresh straw was laid inside the stone trough they were eating from. A small bundle wrapped in strips of cloth was laid within their banquet area. A donkey gently nosed the tiny head and her nostrils were filled with the hint of salt rubbed on the baby to cleanse Him from the birth.
Not far away, the night sky was full of light and angels sang praise to God.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Have You Told Someone About Jesus Today?

Have you told someone about Jesus today?
By Lisa Hetzel

This week's post is by my friend, writing partner and Director of the East Metro Atlanta Christian Writers, Lisa Hetzel.

This is the perfect time to witness to others.  In word and deed, we have an incredible opportunity to proclaim Jesus as Lord.  Let the rest of the world call it the “Holiday Season.”
Something holy happened 2000 years ago.
 We celebrate the truth: that something holy happened over 2000 years ago.  It’s still happening.  

Emmanuel, God, is with us.  He came down from Heaven and poured His love.  His birth changed the world.  So did his death.  Why are we afraid?

Sharing His love and life is hard.  I, myself, still sweat when people ask, “What’s the big deal?” or “Do you really believe this Jesus stuff?”  

I keep trying to find my own way to share.  It’s not enough to just do good things. We need to make Him known.  Somehow, we need to take an opportunity to tell His story.   For me, I’ve learned to try to do the unexpected.  

When my cousin needed a kidney, I gave her mine.  My friends and family know that I am
Every day is an opportunity to share Jesus.
terrified of needles and do not like to be away from my son.  The transplant required both of those things.  However, my faith that this was what God wanted me to do was stronger than my fear.  Now, when people ask me about it, I have a chance to talk about Jesus.  

Jesus’ birthday is coming soon.  Each day is an opportunity to love Him, serve Him, and tell others about Him.  When I’m afraid, I remember that if I ask, God will help me.  When He returns, we will be asked to answer for our lives.  

What about you? Is something or someone stopping you from spreading the Good News?  Leave a comment.  I would love to pray for you.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39 NIV)

Sharing the good news of Jesus is the best gift (click to tweet)

Lisa Hetzel
Writer, Speaker, Kidney Donor

Lisa Hetzel’s life changed on December 30, 2014, when she donated a kidney to her cousin. Both she and her cousin are doing well. Since learning about the need for kidneys, Hetzel has emerged as a kidney donor advocate. 

Lisa is a sought after freelance writer and published her experience in a four-part series, The Journey of Organ Donation, in The Rockdale News.  Last April, Christian Devotions Speak Up! Blog Talk Radio Host Scott McCausey interviewed Hetzel and her cousin, her recipient, Denise Brown. Massachusetts General's magazine, Proto, ran a story as well. 
Lisa Hetzel

Lisa serves as the Director for EMACW, the East Metro Atlanta Christian Writers.  She volunteers as a mentor for the Georgia Transplant Foundation and speaker for the Living Kidney Donor Network. Lisa’s blog offers information and encouragement regarding organ donation and transplantation.  Her current project is a devotional for donors. 

Interested in learning more? Visit www.lisahetzel.com

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Becoming Children of God

By Barbara Latta

Jesus’ Birth Certificate - The Heartbeat of Christmas Part 2

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name (John 1: 12).
Genealogy of Jesus: Matthew 1: 1-17 and Luke 3:23-38.

Babies are born every day all over the world. In America, we record the details of the birth
A babies birth is recorded on a birth certificate.
on a legal document to certify the parents and vital information about the child. This is then recorded at the proper entity for the state where the birth occurred, thus make the child legally a part of the family.

Searching family ancestry has become a popular pastime and a money-making business. Finding out information about past relatives can be fun and informative and in some cases may be a way to make claims to property.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Glad Tidings in a Dark World

by Barbara Latta

The First Christmas Card - The Heartbeat of Christmas Part 1

Mailboxes are full during December as friends and families send cards, pictures and well wishes for a blessed holiday season and greetings for the New Year. Many send letters with updates on past activities and achievements.

The card industry thrives on holidays and Christmas is one of the busiest for sales. From
fancy to plain, glittered, glitzy, colorful and extravagant, cards are available in any shape or form. In our technological world, some prefer to send e-cards and avoid the postage or
Christmas cards are reminders of joy.
paper usage.

For years, I have displayed the cards we received at Christmas in a wall hanging designed for that purpose. I still have some from friends and family with photographs of children and pets or vacation scenes recorded for the remembrance of fun. Looking back at these mementos is a reminder of the joy of sharing our lives with each other.

But a message of greater importance than any we have received from family and friends came to Zacharias, the priest, as he stood next to the altar and prepared the temple vessels for the ritual of burning of incense. Outside, people worshipped and prayed waiting for the priest to finish his duties.

A bright light shone next to the altar and Zacharias trembled in fear.

A thundering voice said, “Zacharias, do not be afraid. I bring you good tidings of great joy. Your prayers have been heard and you will have a son.” Zacharias and Elizabeth’s son would be the forerunner of the Messiah and prepare men’s hearts to hear the words of repentance and salvation from the Lord.