Another year
has come and gone and all the talk turns to New Year’s resolutions, setting
goals, changing the way we do things, etc. All those things are good, but the
problem is, hardly any of us keep them. And that brings the guilt and
self-condemnation of failing.
Rather than
make a list of unreachable goals, here is one target we can shoot for:

“Take heed to
the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it”
(Colossians 4:17).
How is this
First, we
have to know we are all called to transform our minds and conform to the image
of Christ. (Romans 12:1-2)
Second, by
transforming our minds we can find out what specific task we are anointed for
and put on this earth to do. (Psalm 37:4)
Third, we
need to stay focused on that calling and not be swayed by things that draw us
away. (Philippians 4:13-14)
If we fulfill
the ministry we have received in the Lord, we will accomplish goals we have in every
area of our lives without striving under our own willpower to reach them. It
will be a by-product of living life in the Lord because He will give us wisdom
and ideas we couldn’t come up with on our own. Therefore, setting the goal of
Colossians 4:17 as our New Year’s resolution, we can fulfill many others, as
What about
you? What has God called you to do this year?
Have a very Happy New Year!