God's Roadmap

Now may the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father God, who loved us and in his wonderful grace gave us eternal comfort and a beautiful hope that cannot fail, encourage your hearts and inspire you with strength to always do and speak what is good and beautiful in his eyes (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 TPT).

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Becoming Children of God

By Barbara Latta

Jesus’ Birth Certificate - The Heartbeat of Christmas Part 2

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name (John 1: 12).
Genealogy of Jesus: Matthew 1: 1-17 and Luke 3:23-38.

Babies are born every day all over the world. In America, we record the details of the birth
A babies birth is recorded on a birth certificate.
on a legal document to certify the parents and vital information about the child. This is then recorded at the proper entity for the state where the birth occurred, thus make the child legally a part of the family.

Searching family ancestry has become a popular pastime and a money-making business. Finding out information about past relatives can be fun and informative and in some cases may be a way to make claims to property.

In biblical times, genealogies were an important part of Jewish custom. The kingly lines were kept intact by knowing who the heirs were. Jesus’ earthly ancestry is recorded both in Matthew and Luke with some differences. Scholars have debated over the reasons for the discrepancies, but the most popular theory is that Matthew traces Jesus’ line back to Abraham thus showing Jesus as the promised Messiah. Luke’s line traces it through
We are written in the Book of Life.
Mary’s ancestry back to Adam’s son Seth, showing Him as the Son of Man and coming as the second Adam. Even though Jesus did not inherit Mary’s fallen bloodline, He had to come as human to complete the work of defeating Satan the way Adam was supposed to.

By having these details recorded in scripture, no one could debate the line Jesus came from. He was the Seed promised in the Garden of Eden to crush Satan’s head. He was from the royal line of David showing He was the King.

We become a part of the family of God through the blood of Christ. By believing on His name and accepting His sacrifice we are now sons of God. We are written in the Book of Life and our born again birth certificate is final. No one can erase or take our names out of His book. We are certified in heaven and legally His because Jesus came into the earth and legally took away Satan’s rule.

The heartbeat of Christmas is …we are now children of God.

We are to walk in our authority over the devil.
An heir to a royal throne will have a different demeanor than ordinary citizens. When we realize we are a part of the royal family of God, we will walk in our royal right and know what belongs to us; not in arrogance, but in the humility of Christ as servants of His on this earth. We are here to minister to others the love and grace of God, but also to walk in our authority to crush the work of the devil as he tries to spread lies and deception. Walk in your royal right as a child of God.

How does knowing you are a child of God change your life?



  1. Well done, Barb! Enjoyed narrative!

    1. Thanks Patricia. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Being a child of The King! Wow! I feel protected, loved and inspired. It's an honor to witness to others and welcome them to the family of our Lord.

    1. Thanks, Lisa, for your encouraging comment. It's great to know we are all in the same family.
