God's Roadmap

Now may the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father God, who loved us and in his wonderful grace gave us eternal comfort and a beautiful hope that cannot fail, encourage your hearts and inspire you with strength to always do and speak what is good and beautiful in his eyes (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 TPT).

Friday, September 2, 2022

3 Ways to Enter God's Rest


 by Barbara Latta

In the United States, we observe Labor Day on September 5 this year. This holiday was instituted to allow workers to have a break from their physical labor.

As many people will be rewarded with a day off from their normal workday schedule on Labor Day Monday, we can use this illustration to remind us to also renew our mental faculties from our emotional stresses. Because worry and concern can wear us out more than physical labor can.

If you are like me the “what if’s” wrap around your mind like a vine on a tree. I don’t purposely go around thinking of things to worry about. These seeds are sneaky. They start out small and then grow, especially when we nourish them with continued thoughts. Pretty soon the vine is almost to the top of the tree and full of thorns.

God instituted the Sabbath Day to give His people a respite from their labors. Our bodies need time to wind down, relax, and recharge.

But this day was also a shadow of things to come through the Savior He would give. A lesson to them that while they did need to take a break from work, if they would just obey Him, they would find ease for their souls too. He would take care of everything they needed. They could stop striving and worrying about what was coming next.  

In Hebrews chapter 4, the writer of the book uses the example of the Israelites who walked in disobedience to God. They did not enter the Promised Land and they did not enter His rest. Worry is disobedience and keeps us out of the Promised Land of peace.

The definition of worry is to choke, strangle; to shake or pull at with the teeth.[i]

The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:7-8, Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a lion, seeking someone to devour (NASB).

What happens when we don’t cast our cares upon the Lord? We invite the devil to choke, strangle, shake, and pull at us with his teeth.

Here are 3 Ways to Enter God’s Rest:

1. Pray about everything. Philippians 4:6-8 tells us to pray with thanksgiving, (not for the problems, but that He is the answer) and then we are to think about what God thinks.

2. Worship. Listening to good worship music calms the soul and puts our focus on our heavenly Father and not what we face. (Psalm 103:1-5)

3. Take every thought captive. When thoughts of dismay enter our minds, we are instructed to cast them out and put them in prison (2 Corinthians 10:5). We do this by changing our thought patterns to God’s thoughts. Again, it’s Philippians 4:8.

And when those thoughts return, give them to Him again, and again, and again.

God’s Labor Day is cessation from the emotional work of stressful, anxious-filled living. As we discover and live in our identity in Christ, we will gain more knowledge of the peace He has given us.

This month's free download is Rest and Peace.

What are some other ways you find rest in the Lord? Join the conversation and share your thoughts.

3 Ways to Enter God’s Rest  (click to tweet)

A free download to help find peace for a worried soul. (click to tweet)


  1. As you mentioned, listening to worship music gets my thoughts off myself and my worries and focused on God.

    1. Yes, worship music can bring peace to our minds. I love to spend time soaking it up. Thank you, TeaLady, for sharing. Blessings!

  2. So timely, Barbara, and your message is of special meaning to me today. I'm a little stressed and your message and scripture you share brings peace and comfort. Thank you!

    1. Katherine, I am glad the message helped remind you to rest your mind. May you bask in the comfort of the Father's arms. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Blessings!

  3. Rest, restoration, and recovery truly stem from God, don't they my friend. Even when I lay my head down at night to sleep, I sleep (and therefore rest and recover) better when I take the time beforehand to make peace with God. I think my favorite way to rest in God is to fall asleep as I'm praising Him in prayer and say "Amen" to close my day. I almost always awaken much more refreshed the next morning. :-) Loved this wisdom-filled post ma'am.

    1. Your remedy at bedtime is the best way to fall asleep and wake up refreshed. Thanks for sharing, J.D. Blessings!

  4. My biggest challenge with doing these three things is taking thoughts captive. As you said, the seeds of these thoughts are sneaky and crop up when and where I least expect. Your recommendations of prayer and worship are definitely two of the ways I try to get past that. Thanks for the reminders!

    1. That one is the challenge for me also, Leigh. I think this is one reason God talks about our thoughts so much because He knows our struggles. Thankfully, he gives us the remedy.Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  5. Great suggestions for finding God’s rest! I want to celebrate God’s Labor Day every day. Candyce

    1. Amen to that, Candyce. Living in God's rest will give us peace. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  6. I had a fresh lesson this week in doing #3, taking my thoughts captive. An uncertain situation left me with fear and a 'gut' worry, and I began to lose sleep over it. By God's grace, I saw it as an attack of the enemy and stopped it by giving all my anxiety to Him and choosing not to pick it up again. I had a wonderful sense that He was going to take care of it--and the next day, He did! Whole situation turned around. Thanks for these good reminders! Blessings ~

    1. What a wonderful testimony of receiving God's rest during a turbulent time, Wendy. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Blessings!

  7. Well that was perfect timing for me. I read Hebrews 4 in my quiet time today. Been thinking about some of those very things and the deeper meanings of "rest." So glad I took a moment to read your reflections. Thanks!

    1. Hebrews contains so many rich lessons for us. Learning to rest in God's peace does take some deeper thinking for us as we do tend to try to fix things ourselves. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  8. Barbara, the definition of worry you included makes me want to avoid it. Too often I allow tiny bits of thought to snowball into worry. God commands us not to worry or dwell on anxious thoughts. Thank you for this post I needed today.

  9. Jeannie, "snowball" is where my mind can roll too often also. Knowing God wants us to give Him those anxious thoughts shows us how much He loves us and has provided rest from worry. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  10. Thank you, Barbara, for sharing your wisdom. I can always use these reminders.

    1. Thanks, Annie, for taking the time to read and comment. Blessings!

  11. Yvonne Morgan9/10/22, 9:47 AM

    Your post is the 4 one I’ve read lately about rest. I think God is sending a message. Thanks Barbara

    1. I've noticed that too, Yvonne. Isnt it cool how He does that? Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  12. Barbara, prayer and disciplining my thoughts makes a big difference. Focusing the Lord instead of my worries! I need that kind of rest all the time.

    1. Focusing on the Lord instead of worries. I love that phrase, Debbie. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  13. So much goes on today that causes stress. Thanks for this message of help and encouragement. God bless, Barbara!

    1. Nancy E. Head

    2. Nancy, we are surrounded by stressful situations. Without the Lord, we couldn't make it. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!
