God's Roadmap

Now may the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father God, who loved us and in his wonderful grace gave us eternal comfort and a beautiful hope that cannot fail, encourage your hearts and inspire you with strength to always do and speak what is good and beautiful in his eyes (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 TPT).

Friday, July 14, 2023

7 Life Lessons From Biblical Figures + Remedies for Feeling Like a Failure


by Barbara Latta @barbaralatta

The Bible gives us accounts of several biblical figures and the result of their actions and decisions while raising their children.


We can learn lessons from our biblical ancestors. We can discern wisdom from their choices and the consequences of their decisions, whether good or bad.


Sometimes thoughts of all the mistakes we have made in life or while raising our children attack us. None of us are perfect, but when we are focused on training our kids in the fear of the Lord, God blesses our efforts. 

These 7 life lessons from biblical figures can show us the results of listening to God or of what happens when we ignore His Word, not only for parenting, but any part of our lives.


1. Adam and Eve – Know the Word of God clearly. When the serpent tempted Eve, she replied that they were not supposed to eat from the tree or even touch it. But God didn’t say anything about touching it, He said don’t eat from it. Eve submitted to temptation because she didn’t know what God had clearly said. 

God gave His Word to Adam so he had no excuse. Knowing God’s Word can help us avoid confusion when making any kind of decision. Because Adam and Eve disobeyed, sin entered the world. Brother killed brother. Even though we are all responsible for our own actions they brought the fall of man onto all of us.

2. Abraham and Sarah – Trust God’s timing. Abraham and Sarah were promised a son. When they got tired of waiting, Sarah took it upon herself to get a son another way. Ishmael was born years before the promised son, but the brothers were at odds with each other their entire lives. 

Because of the decision of Abraham and Sarah, we have the Middle East crisis where descendants of Isaac and Ishmael are still fighting. God’s timing for His will in our lives depends upon not taking matters into our own hands.  

3. Isaac and RebekahTreat children equally. Rebekah’s favoritism toward Jacob and Isaac’s toward Esau caused the split between the brothers. The family was divided and in strife and Jacob had to leave home to keep Esau from killing him. 

Each child is an individual with different skills, personalities and needs, but each one should still receive equal love and attention from parents.


4. Hannah –Be committed to God. Hannah prayed for a son and when her blessing arrived she honored God and was willing to give her son to the work of the Lord. God blessed her with other children and she still was able to see Samuel when she and her family visited the temple. 

Because Hannah was faithful, Samuel was born and grew up to become a great prophet of God. We can learn from Hannah to be faithful to our commitment to God.


5. Joseph and Mary – Be willing to listen and obey. Mary humbled herself and submitted to the words of the angel when she was told she was chosen to bear God’s Son. Mary didn’t know how the future would play out, but she trusted God. 

Joseph obeyed the words of God through Gabriel. They are now remembered for their obedience and faithfulness in raising Jesus. Trusting God for our future will bring success and happiness.


6. Zechariah and Elizabeth – Keep praying. Elizabeth and Zechariah prayed for a child for many years. The age passed when this could happen without a miracle. Their prayers were heard, and a great prophet was born who paved the way for the Messiah. 

We can learn from this godly couple to keep praying and never give up. God has a plan for our children's lives and ours. He is faithful to keep His promises. Isaiah 44:3-5 tells us that He will pour our His Spirit on our offspring.


7. Lois and Eunice – Live according to God not culture. Timothy's mother and grandmother raised him in the fear of the Lord amidst a heathen Greek culture. Timothy became a student of Paul's and was one of the pastors of the churches Paul established. 

Our children live in a much more hostile world than we did. We, as adults, face onslaughts and peer pressure too. Temptations abound from every direction in ways we could never have imagined when we were growing up. Culture shouldn’t dictate our lifestyles.


None of us will be able to perfect any of these lessons, but God honors those who are seeking and trusting Him for guidance. Our heavenly Father loves us and when we stand on His promises He is faithful to bring them to pass.


My most recent contribution to Crosswalk.com offers hopeful strategies for when we feel like we have failed as a parent. Click here to read “6 Remedies When You Feel Like a Failed Parent.”

These remedies can also apply to all aspects of our lives, not just parenting.

What would you add to this list of biblical examples or as remedies for feeling like a failure? Join the conversation.


7 Life Lessons from Biblical Figures + Remedies for Feeling Like a Failure (click to tweet)

Image by Marcela from Pixabay


  1. These are great lessons for us all from these Bible people. thanks, Barbara.

    1. Thank you, Kathy, for sharing. Blessings!

  2. Thank you for posting this, Barbara. Great reminders of humans who struggled with the same things I do at times!

    1. And I struggle with these too. I am thankful God gives us His answer to overcome them. Thanks for sharing. Blessing!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You've presented a wonderful message filled with the lessons God teaches us through ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives. Thank you for sharing this wisdom-filled message, Barbara. We are so blessed to have the role models of the past to guide our way.

    1. Katherine, I am thankful for these role models too. I am also glad God included their failures as well as their triumphs. Knowing they faced the same battles we do can give us hope as we see how God brought them through. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  4. These are all great examples, Barbara. I especially like that you included Lois and Eunice since it's not a situation we might think of as often. Standing up against culturally popular things can be such a tough battle at any age. And thanks for reminding us that when our hearts are in the right place, even a mistake can be used for God's good. That's a great comfort because of all the times I mess up!

    1. My mess up times fill the calendar on so many days. Thankfully, God does give us His comfort and solutions during those times. Thanks for sharing, Leigh. Blessings!

  5. Excellent snapshot of each of these individuals. I enjoyed reading this, Barbara.

  6. Barbara, thank you for this beautiful picture of biblical characters who set an example for us. You did a beautiful job of showing us godly character and actions.

    1. I'm thankful for the examples and lessons God gave us to live by. Thanks for your kind words, Jeannie. Blessings!

  7. Such great lessons for these examples. I can see why you're one of my favorite Bible teachers my friend. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, J. D. You are so kind. Blessings!

  8. Yvonne Morgan7/19/23, 9:54 PM

    I love these lessons Barbara. They are very insightful. We can learn so much from all the people of the Bible. Thank you for sharing

    1. The people in the Bible are great examples for us. I'm glad God recorded their mistakes as well as the victories. This gives us hope for today. Thanks for sharing, Yvonne. Blessings!

  9. I love how you extracted these great lessons for parents from the Bible. My children are grown and thriving for the most part now, but I wrestle with mistakes I made in parenting. Thank you for the reassurance that this article gives me. We're not perfect, but as long as we do our best, God will bless us. Thanks, Barbara

    1. My children are grown too, Candyce, and I still battle these thoughts of mistakes. I'm thankful God doesn't condemn us for those. Rather He picks us up and sets us in new directions. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  10. Barbara, I loved these examples. Thank you so much!

  11. Love this! Great lessons, Barbara.

  12. Martin Johnson7/31/23, 10:20 AM

    We can learn a lot from our Jewish stepfathers. Good post.

    1. Yes our Christian comes from our Jewish foundation. Thanks for sharing, Martin. Blessings!
