God's Roadmap

Now may the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father God, who loved us and in his wonderful grace gave us eternal comfort and a beautiful hope that cannot fail, encourage your hearts and inspire you with strength to always do and speak what is good and beautiful in his eyes (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 TPT).

Thursday, May 9, 2024

5 Parenting Lessons From Biblical Mothers


by Barbara Latta @barbaralatta

 Mother’s Day is a time to honor and remember our mothers for their love and sacrifice throughout the years. As mothers ourselves, our children will be bringing gifts to honor us. When our offspring show us love their words are appreciated more we can express.

 But sometimes thoughts of all the mistakes we have made while raising our children attack us. This is when we need to rely on God’s Word and know He forgives us. He doesn’t want us looking back in regret. When we focus on training our children in the fear of the Lord, He blesses our efforts. 

We can learn 5 parenting lessons from these biblical mothers. Some listened to God and others didn’t. We can see the outcome of their decisions whether good or bad.

 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. (Psalm 127:3 NKJV)

1. Trust God’s Timing.  Abraham and Sarah were promised a son. When they got tired of waiting, Sarah took it upon herself to get a son another way (Genesis 16:1-2). Ishmael was born years before the promised son, but the brothers were at odds with each other their entire lives. Because of the actions of Abraham and Sarah, we have the Middle East crisis where descendants of Isaac and Ishmael are still fighting. God’s timing for His will in our children’s lives depends upon obedience to His Word.

2. Treat Children with Equal Love and Respect. Rebekah’s favoritism toward Jacob caused the split between the brothers (Genesis 25:27-28). The family was divided and in strife and Jacob had to leave home to keep Esau from killing him. Each child is an individual with different skills, personalities and needs, but each one should still receive equal love and attention from parents.

3. Be Committed to God. Hannah prayed for a son and when her blessing arrived she honored God and was willing to give her son to the work of the Lord (1 Samuel 9-28). God blessed her with other children and she still was able to see Samuel when she and her family visited the temple. Because Hannah was faithful, Samuel was born and grew up to become a great prophet of God. We can learn from Hannah to be faithful to our commitment to God to bring up our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

4. Keep Praying. Elizabeth and Zechariah had prayed for a child for many years (Luke 1:5-17). The age was past when this could happen without a miracle. Their prayers were heard, and a great prophet was born who paved the way for the Messiah. We can learn from this godly couple to keep praying for our children and never give up. God has a plan for their lives and He is faithful to keep His promises. Isaiah 44:3-5 tells us that He will pour our His Spirit on our offspring.

 5. Parent According to God and Not Culture. Timothy's mother and grandmother raised him in the fear of the Lord amidst a heathen Greek culture (2 Timothy 1:5). Timothy became a student of Paul's and was one of the pastors of the churches Paul established. Our children live in a much more hostile world than we did. Temptations abound from every direction in ways we could never have imagined when we were growing up. Culture shouldn’t dictate our parenting principles.

 We don’t have to be perfect but God honors those who seek Him and trust His guidance. Our heavenly Father loves our children more than we do. When we stand on His promises He is faithful to bring them to pass.

 May you have a blessed and happy Mother’s Day!

 We can learn 5 parenting lessons from biblical mothers. Some listened to God and others didn’t. We can see the outcome of their decisions whether good or bad. (click to tweet)

Join the conversation and share your thoughts about these parenting lessons.

Image by Silvia from Pixabay



  1. Hannah was a virtual mentor to me as a young mom, helping me relinquish my children to God and his plan. I wish I had thought to be intentional about seeking out more biblical mentors for mothering. You've given your readers a wonderful start, Barbara!

    1. Hannah is a wonderful example for us to follow. You were wise in choosing a mentor. Thanks for sharing, Nancy. Blessings and Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Barbara I cannot find where to subscribe

    1. It's on the left of the page under my
      Pic. I don't think you can see it if your view the page on your phone. Thank you!

  3. Great lessons with both positive and negative examples from Scripture. Thank you, Barbara.

  4. Some great examples, and wonderful reminders, Ms. Barbara. While not a mama, I'm sure glad that I don't allow my parenting misgivings and mistakes to hold me hostage.

    1. I'm thankful God always reminds me not to let those mistakes hold me hostage too, J.D. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!
