My granddaughter asked this question as she watched the
smoke rise from the burnt wicks of the five candles she had just blown out on
her birthday cake.
Her excitement to now hold up five fingers instead of four drew
the subject of age to dominate the conversation. When I told her she would need
all ten fingers six times, plus a few, to find my age her eyes grew wide. How
could anyone live that long?
As the years creep upon us, labels attach to us such as
“over the hill,” “empty nesters,” or at that “retirement age.” If we allow
these words to identify us, we can think life is over and has no purpose any
But we can follow the examples of some older biblical women who had an impact on the future of their society and on us as believers.
Naomi spent years in a foreign land after she and her family
left Israel during a famine. After her husband and sons died, she longed to
return to her homeland.
When her daughter-in-law, Ruth, refused to leave her side,
Naomi brought Ruth with her back to Bethlehem.
Life had beaten Naomi up and she felt hopeless. But when
Ruth returned from gleaning in the fields, Naomi saw God’s provision for her
had not waned. He had provided for them through Boaz.
Naomi’s wisdom in instructing Ruth what to do led to the
marriage of Ruth to Boaz and produced the grandfather of King David.
Elizabeth and Zechariah longed for the child denied them
during their youth. But God’s timing produced the forerunner of the Messiah
through their son, John. And Jesus said that there had not been anyone greater
than John born of women (Matthew 11:11).
When Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the temple to be dedicated,
Anna, a prophetess, was there praying. She had been a widow for decades but her
faithfulness to God never faltered.
Because she was where God led her, she was rewarded with seeing
the Christ child and was able to proclaim to all those who were willing to
listen that the Messiah had been born.
These aged women still had a purpose for their lives.
Naomi had almost given up until God reminded her of her
Elizabeth lived with disappointment, but the promise came
through at the right time and her joy was greater than if John had been born
when she was young.
Anna was among the first people to see the prophecies about
the Messiah’s birth come to pass.
God has a place for the older women in the body of Christ.
He tells us in Titus 2:3-5 HCSB, In the same way, older
women are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not addicted to much
wine. They are to teach what is good, so they may encourage young women to love
their husbands and to love their children, to be self-controlled, pure, homemakers,
kind, and submissive to their husbands, so that God’s message will not be
We are to be examples and teachers to the younger generation
of women who can learn from our wisdom and experience.
Here are five ways Titus 2 women can cultivate relationships with those who come after them:
1. Record memories and leave a legacy. When we tell our children and grandchildren stories of how God has blessed our lives and families, we affect their future. In Second Timothy 1:5, Paul talks about the influence Timothy’s grandmother, Lois, and his mother, Eunice, had on the young man’s life.
One of my sons almost died twice, once the day he was born, and another when he was ill as a toddler. God brought us through both of those difficult times so our son could grow up to be a missionary. When he hears these stories, it emphasizes to him that God had a call on his life.
2. Refuse to embrace condemnation and regret. Living with regret causes stress and paralyzes our witness because we are locked into the past. But when we accept God’s forgiveness for our mistakes and live in His wholeness, we are free to be the person He created us to be.
4. Relate to others by involvement. We can often find isolation easier than joining activities and functions.
5. Realize we never stop learning. God will continue to speak to us until He calls us home.
The physical pursuit of youth only treats symptoms. We may
cover the gray hair (yes, my color still comes from a box), lift our skin, or
do a nip or tuck here and there.
But our youth springs from the inside because our spirit
never ages. And our soul can remain young in attitude, too. He satisfies you
with goodness; your youth is renewed like the eagle (Psalm 103:5 HCSB).
When we show younger women our vitality and faithfulness,
we encourage them to do the same. Someday they will be the older ones teaching
those who come after them.
The famous expression, “You are as young as you feel,” is
true when we see ourselves through God’s eyes.
On eternity’s timetable, we are just beginning.
Can you think of ways you can make an impact on the younger
generation while you enjoy the life God has given you?
5 Ways Older Women can Impact the Younger Generation (click to tweet)
This article first appeared on Living by Design's Saturday Soul Food February 6, 2021
Such an inspiring post, Barbara! Thank you. You remind us that even as we age, we always have a place in our Father's work here on earth. Your five points are right on target and not only provide insight for how we can share with others, but your suggestions make us aware that as long as we are here, we have important work to do for our Lord. Your message brings joy to the weary. I'm grateful.
ReplyDeleteKatherine, it is so easy to think that as we get older we no longer have a purpose. But God corrected me and showed me that we are to fulfill His will until we leave this earth. I do hope the message brings joy to the weary. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Blessings!
DeleteThe story of Naomi is one of my all-time favorites. And I love your five suggestions to help us impact future generations and keep a sense of purpose as we age. It's a win-win situation for all! "Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?" Job 12:12.
ReplyDeleteCandi, we can learn much from Naomi's story. Thanks for sharing the scripture in Job. That' a great one for us to hold on to as we age. And thanks for sharing your thoughts. Blessings!
DeleteI'm happy now with my years of experience. I'm all the fingers six times over with a few added on too. And I'm still working full time and loving every day I teach. All those years add up to more than a rocking chair in front of a television--if we can, and if we let them.
ReplyDeleteGood for you! Nothing says we have to stop doing what we love because of the number of birthdays we have. And it is better for us than sitting in front of the TV. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!
DeleteBarbara, this is excellent wisdom. I especially like, "When younger women see us living in victory, it can encourage them to leave their past mistakes behind."
ReplyDeleteDebbie, one thing I have learned from the wisdom of older women as I grew was to not look back in regret. We can't undo the past, we learn from it and go forward. Thank you for sharing. Blessings!
DeleteI find it inspiring that people at all ages have a chance to make a difference.
ReplyDeleteYes, Ariana, God is never finished with us. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Blessings!